Hey y’all, welcome to Chic and Petite!

I’m Mary Cameron {MC for short}, a 5-foot tall, 20-something living in Atlanta, Georgia. I fell in love with fashion when I was a little girl playing dress up and planning fashion shows for my Barbie dolls.  As I got older, my passion for the latest fashion trends and dressing up only grew, so I started this blog as a college graduate.

Chic and Petite is a way for me to showcase my ever-changing style and connect with other women who may be height-challenged (like me!) and love mixing high-end and low-end pieces without breaking the bank.  Not only do I want to inspire women to go outside their comfort zone when it comes to pairing fun prints and bright colors but also help women in all aspects of their lives – fitness, food, school, work, etc.  I strive to inspire women to be bold and unexpected while being feminine and loving how they were made.  At Chic and Petite, I want to be a positive role model through my outfits and personal stories to all women who have big dreams.

Work it. Do you. Take risks. Be bold.

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*Chic and Petite is a member of the Blogger Union’s Atlanta Chapter*

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