
Life Lately and May Goals

Hey, y’all! I wanted to share a quick update on my life while also sharing what I have planned for the month of May. I thought with quarantine going on and all of the uncertainty, I would be in big trouble – feeling down, not being able to focus, not accomplishing things, etc. However, surprisingly, April was a great month, and I hope that May is even better as quarantine begins to be lifted and we can all start this new version of normalcy.


Revamped the blog site: The site has a new setup and layout, new colors, new categories and pages, and lots of new information {NEW, NEW, NEW}

Joined RewardStyle and LiketoKnow.It: I now earn a small commission if you click through some of the links on the site and make a purchase. {This is a no additional cost to you!}

Completed a 30-Day No Shopping Challenge: This challenge was on this blog a lot as a documented every day with links of where to find similar and exact items to what I wore each day. Days 22-30 will be posted tomorrow {Days 1-7 HERE, Days 8-14 HERE, Days 15-21 HERE}! I loved doing this challenge and shopping my own closet and creating new outfits and am looking forward to continuing this each month.

Completed over 100 days of reading my Bible {119 days to be exact}: One of my New Year’s goals is to read the Bible more and to do so, I joined the Bible Recap plan that breaks the Bible up into a few readings each day and has a corresponding podcast, so you more deeply understand what you read and its significance to the Bible as a whole.

Exercised 15 days this month and began cooking and eating healthier meals: Another New Year’s goal of mine is to live a healthy lifestyle. Up until this month, I never exercised and rarely cooked and ate healthier meals. During April, I decided to do all of it. Of course, cooking was kinda mandatory during quarantine, but regardless, I started eating healthier meals and can already tell a difference in how I feel! I also feel like I have more energy because of the exercising!

Registered for Continuing Education Classes: I’m going back to school!!! I am so excited to be heading back to school to continue my education. In 2018, I graduated with a degree in marketing and sales and had no idea what I really wanted to do as a career. Fast forward a year and I realized that what I truly love and want to do forever is be in the fashion industry {hence the blog}, so I’m going back to school to take classes related to fashion merchandising and management to pursue my dream of being in this industry!


Post 3 blog posts a week: I want to start getting on a consistent schedule with posting new content for y’all. My plan is to post Monday, Wednesday, Friday and maybe an extra post on either Saturday or Sunday.

Have an hour of quiet time with God and my Bible: I’ve been reading my Bible daily and will continue this every month, but for May, I want to spend even more time understanding what I’m reading while strengthening my relationship with God.

Read 4 books this month: I LOVE reading and sharing my opinions on each book I read {you can read my latest book review HERE}. During the month of April, I only read one book, and I hope to read one book a week this month with a book review post coming the first few days of June

Continue my healthy lifestyle: I’ve really enjoyed how eating healthier and exercising has made me feel and want to continue that trend by looking up new recipes to try and a new exercise plan. For the month of May, I am doing the 21-Day Fix Real Time program on Beachbody on Demand {join HERE}. To help hold myself accountable, I plan on posting reviews of the recipes I try as well as a review of each week and the workout gear I wore for each day.

Start my college courses: I’ve been wanting to go back to school since I graduated in December 2018. Now that I finally know what I want to do with my future career, I can’t wait to be successful in each class. I’ve missed the stress of finishing assignments on time, taking notes on each chapter, and listening to lectures {I am a self-proclaim dork, and I’m proud!}.

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